I create a space for students to ask questions and I post the answers that are relevant for everyone.
A good way to support students is by making sure they know where to go to get help. A first stop for them can be an FAQ page where they can ask technical as well as course- or content-related questions. As with everything, communicate how often you will be responding to questions and encourage students to contribute to answers as well.
Asking and answering questions
What are the options in Brightspace?
Prevent questions
Clearly communicate what you expect from students and where they can find information. On assignments and quizzes you can set due dates that are visible to students. In descriptions for content and assignments, you can reiterate instructions and deadlines.
In the introduction to your course, let students know how to communicate with you. Make a distinction between content questions (understanding theory), organizational questions (submitting work), and personal questions (absence).
If you have parallel classes, consider combining channels with a colleague. For example, all sections could be in a discussion forum-based FAQ about organizational questions.
Make a discussion forum
You can make a forum for content-related questions and that can be subdivided into topics that cover a single week or chapter. Reviewing the questions students have can also help you make choices about what to spend time on in lectures and during activities.
You can make a separate forum for organizational questions and, to help build social cohesion, you can have a forum for fun topics as well.
Monitor discussion forums on a weekly basis. Spend a few minutes once or twice a week giving answers and thanking students for their contributions.
Making an FAQ
Under Administration in Brightspace, you can use the FAQ tool. Place a quick link next to the module guide for easy access.
In the FAQ tool you can enter the questions and answers that you see each year. Make sure to refer students to this page whenever they ask questions that are found here.
Having a FAQ page will save you and your students time and avoid confusion.