Next Level Learning
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
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feedbackfruits FeedbackFruits Peer feedback Peer feedback
Student Choice

I incorporate peer feedback moments in activities so that students can learn from each other.

Having students assess each other’s work accomplishes many goals. First, when asked to give feedback – after explanation on how and which aspects – they better understand the expectations and application of what they are asked to look at. Second, this helps them develop a critical eye which will help when reviewing their own work. Finally, looking at each other’s work is important for sharing ideas and understanding different perspectives or processes.

Have students give feedback on ideas and explanations in the discussion forum with the help of a rubric by building on each other’s posts.

Have students  apply aspects of a rubric to a part of a bigger project via Feedback Fruits. Teachers can also comment on the work and the feedback of students in this tool.

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